Zeren Jiang

Master student at ETH Zurich


I am a third-year Master student at ETH Zürich. My research interests mainly lie in the intersection between computer vision and computer graphics, especially in digital humans and 3D vision. Besides, I am also interested in multimodal deep learning, such as conditional music generation.

During my master, I did my semester project on 3D human reconstruction in the AIT at ETH Zurich, supervised by Chen Guo, Dr. Jie Song, and Prof. Otmar Hilliges. Prior to ETH, I did my bachelor’s at Beihang University. I was lucky to work with Prof. Si Liu at Beihang University during my gap year.

I am now seeking a PhD position. If you are interested, feel free to send me an email.


* denotes equal contribution

  1. multiply.png
    MultiPly: Reconstruction of Multiple People from Monocular Video in the Wild Oral
    Zeren Jiang*, Chen Guo*, Manuel Kaufmann, Tianjian Jiang, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun 2024
  2. head.png
    HEAD: HEtero-Assists Distillation for Heterogeneous Object Detectors
    Luting Wang, Xiaojie Li, Yue Liao, Zeren Jiang, and 4 more authors
    In Computer Vision – ECCV 2022, Oct 2022
  3. cmt.png
    Video Background Music Generation with Controllable Music Transformer Best Paper Award
    Shangzhe Di*, Zeren Jiang*, Si Liu, Zhaokai Wang, and 4 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Oct 2021
  4. gid.png
    General Instance Distillation for Object Detection
    Xing Dai*, Zeren Jiang*, Zhao Wu, Yiping Bao, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun 2021